resident Wellness

Wellness is part of everything we do. It is part of our culture.


our culture

  • Primary Care is highly respected

  • Congeniality and respect among specialists and primary care physicians

  • Physicians, nurses, staff, pharmacists, therapists work together in teams

  • Faculty always have “open doors” and are easily accessible

  • Family feel



  • Big Sib

  • Faculty Advisor

  • Resident Support Group

  • Balint Group

  • Behaviorist in clinic


Mental health resources

  • Dr. Safe Program

  • Employee Assistance Program

  • Supplemental Medical Insurance (to be seen outside of Kaiser Permanente)


Wellness activities

  • Annual Residency Retreat

  • Hiking Club

  • Surfing Club

  • Beach Days


wellness curriculum

  • Didactics (Loss of Patient, Physician Suicide, Resilience)

  • Career Planning Series

  • Financial Seminar